Friday 5 August 2011

Why do we lie to ourselves?

Have a think about the last time you lied to yourself………….

Now ask yourself “Why?”

I recently asked myself this question and was quite shocked by my own response.  I had been lying to myself to ensure someone else’s happiness.  Then after a while I asked myself why was it that I value myself that little that I put someone else’s happiness before my own?

You see, in life sometimes we are all in a situation where we feel uncomfortable and rather than stand up and say what we truly think or feel we find ourselves just going with the flow for fear of what others think of our honesty or for fear of hurting someone we care about.  To make things worse, if you are lying to yourself it can only make you unhappy.

If you are not truly honest, the smallest of lies can get bigger and the snowball effect kicks in, so that over time it engulfs everything and hurts everyone in its path.  The only way to stop this snowball is to stop lying to yourself.

It has taken me nearly 29 years to learn this and I did so whilst at a networking breakfast, I listened to a 4sight from Jim MacLeod, who is, I think, the most positive person I have met and I took one sentence from his 4sight that I had heard before but until that moment had never resonated with me.  “Change the things you cannot accept and accept the things that you cannot change” and hearing it that morning was like an alarm bell going off in my head.

Within a week I had made the biggest decision of my life thus far and decided to stop lying to myself.  It was hard to tell the truth, especially having lied to myself for so long.  Since then I have begun to challenge everything that I cannot accept.  I have to say that whilst the initial pain of making those decisions was hard to deal with and accept, I am a much happier person as a result of making those changes.

 “And, after all, what is a lie?  ’Tis but the truth in masquerade.” Lord Byron


  1. Great blog mate, really admire your actions and viewpoint.

    Well written and very interesting read...I look forward to reading more of your stuff!

  2. It's very true, once you start lying to yourself you end up in no end of trouble. Being honest with yourself is probably the hardest thing you will ever have to do, but ultimately the most rewarding. And doing what you've done takes great strength for which I admire you greatly

  3. Absolutely true John. Once you have decided to make the changes to be happy life suddenly becomes a whole lot better. Keep strong and keep changing things for the better!

    Great blog.

  4. John I have been on a similar journey and it was indeed Jim MacLeod who also made me see that in making everyone else happy I was making myself unhappy. Since being what I thought was 'selfish' and putting my needs first at times, I am happier than I have ever been - and guess what? Other people around me are happy for me too!

    "Happiness is a journey, not a destination!"


  5. Congratulations on the blog John. Looking forward to reading more.

    "Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself"
    Leo Tolstoy

    I know which is braver.


  6. John. I'm so pleased you started blogging. I think you'll find it a powerful way to express what you're going through and it's clear you've got lots of support. It's so easy to put everyone else first and believe this is the 'right thing' to do. Good luck on your journey.
